The Essentials of a Digital Marketing Plan for Real Estate Agents
The Essentials of a Digital Marketing Plan for Real Estate Agents

1. Selling isn't Everything - Think about the Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is the customer journey. The well-known diagram describes the process that the consumer goes through before they make that final decision to buy. The funnel is undergoing continual refinement - there are many versions that are today subject to discussion.

BUT, what is not subject to discussion is the fact that it is extremely unlikely that a consumer will make a split-second decision to buy.

This is especially true when it comes to real estate purchases. A person who engages in the services of a realtor must first be aware of your existence. Only once this has happened can you begin to build a relationship with that client. Midway through the sales funnel is your opportunity to build trust - and make it easier for that client to want to do business with you.

Unfortunately, many real estate agents tend to simply ignore this part of the process. In a hyper-competitive market, agents need to focus on this aspect of the funnel. They need to be seen to add value to the client experience and make an effort to continually engage with vendors and clients. If done correctly the agent will be the natural choice for those who are considering purchasing or selling a home.

2. Your Website is Pivotal

A website needs to always be a work in progress. It needs to be optimised - and that means focusing on Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). One of the first steps toward optimisation is to conduct an SEO Audit. Today using search engines such as Google are almost always the first step that any client wishing to either buy or sell a house will take. Your website needs to be at the top of the first page of its search engine results.

It's a simple fact of life. If a client is not aware of you, they simply cannot engage with you. Make it easier for them to find you when they make use of a search engine.

However, it's not enough for them to be able to find you, your website has to make a great first impression.

That is the second step you must take when reviewing your website. If it is slow, badly designed, unhelpful, and frustrating to use then you will, in all likelihood have done yourself no favours when it comes to building trust and creating a professional first impression.

Successful real estate agents will ensure that their site:

  • Includes professional photography.
  • Have easy-to-access clear contact details.
  • Provide the site visitor with information that positions the unique selling proposition of the organisation.
  • Have a clear call to action that helps the prospect take the next step in the sales funnel.

These are only some of the attributes of an effective website. Above all the site must be attractive. Make sure that images and videos are prominent - people look at them far more often than they read text. They help to create that important positive first impression.

Excellent visual content (including property photos) is the key to success. Vendors will prefer to deal with an estate agent that has an online presence that reflects how powerful your property marketing is. Avoid low-quality photography at all costs.

3. Video Marketing is a Trend that should not be Ignored

There are 3 primary reasons why video marketing is so important:

  • It's great for SEO (make sure that meta descriptions are excellent).
  • People far prefer video over text.
  • Video simply generates more leads more of the time. Yet most realtors are ignoring video. By embracing the trend you will have a competitive advantage.